Cristina Galbiati & Ilija Luginbühl
The game
The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.
The stories of the Earth have changed in nature and scale: we do not write stories to tell about the creation or the course of the world, but to avert its end.
Book is a Book is a Book
Ts'ui Pen must have said once: I am withdrawing to write a book. And another time: I am withdrawing to construct a labyrinth. Every one imagined two works; to no one did it occurred that the book and the maze were one and the same thing.
At what age does one stop being an orphan? Who loses the father, let’s say at sixty, can he be defined an orphan? At ten yes – but at forty? (...)
Choreography for the dying light
We met blind people. Some were born blind, others lost their sight over time. We asked them to tell us how they see

Room by room audio journey around the fairytale Snow White

Installation in 9 rooms, one prologue and one epilogue

Trickster-p — Projects — Sights
One city, nine talking machines, nine witnesses: blind people who tell what it means for them “to see”.
Sights is an ever-evolving project which penetrates urban spaces and the daily lives of those who inhabit them, to reflect on the centrality of the eye and on the primacy of seeing.
How do we experience when sight is missing? What is the role of imagination and memory? What is the point of intersection or breakage between the visual and the imagery?
Map in hand, audiences are invited to walk the city in search for sound spots: voices and words of witnesses rendered by the talking machines, make public spaces intimate and personal, and the city becomes a domain we walk also through our imagination.
The emerging sensory and emotional mapping invites the spectator to experience subjectively spaces that the artistic intervention has endowed with new meanings.
In every city the project will be devised and set upin collaboration with local participants: it is an ever-developing process feeding on the sites and their specific traits.
Concept and realization
Artistic collaboration
Riccardo Fazi, Claudia Sorace (Muta Imago)
Maps, concept and graphic design
Studio CCRZ
Editing supervisor
Lara Persia
Production of audio devices
D’Uva Workshop
Teatro Sociale Bellinzona, Dicastero Turismo ed Eventi - Città di Lugano, Theater Chur, Auawirleben Theaterfestival Bern, far° festival des arts vivants - Nyon, TAK Theater Liechtenstein - Schaan
Supported by
Pro Helvetia – Swiss arts council
DECS Repubblica e Cantone Ticino – Fondo Swisslos
Ernst Göhner Stiftung
Bürki Stiftung
Press review
Il giornale del Popolo (Switzerland)
[…] The spectator is called to active participation, with all senses on the alert to engage in a questioning experience. Observing the world with new eyes, paradoxically through the telling of a group of nine blind people. How do you see? The listener of these witnesses is therefore compelled to reflect, because it is not enough to use eyes to claim one can see. It depends on the glasses through which one looks…
La Côte (Switzerland)
[…] To smell the jasmine, to hear the rain falling, to feel the darkness. The voices of blind people interviewed by Trickster-p bring us back to our senses. Sights is a journey to be made alone. Each person will have a unique experience, connected to his or her memories of the city of Nyon or to their thoughts at the time. All the voices are calm and bring us back to our condition of being sighted, far from the other senses. The whistling ear, images that impose themselves on the mind: through these soundtracks the verbs “to hear” and “to see” are redefined. Thought travels through nine spots across the city for a timeless experience.